
parasites of livestock in asir province, southwestern saudi arabia.thirteen parasite species, three trematodes, five cestodes, one nematode, and four arthropods, have been reported in livestock in asir, southwestern saudi arabia. the occurrence of dicrocoelium dendriticum in imported sheep and paramphistomum cervi in indigenous cattle is recorded for the first time in saudi arabia.19902267729
childhood brucellosis in southwestern saudi arabia: a 5-year children admitted with brucellosis at abha, saudi arabia, were studied prospectively. ninety-two per cent gave a history of animal contact, usually with sheep or goats, or ingesting raw milk, milk products, or raw liver. three-quarters of the patients had an acute or subacute presentation with diverse symptomatology: fever (100 per cent), malaise (91 per cent), anorexia (68 per cent), cough (20 per cent), abdominal symptoms (20 per cent), arthralgia (25 per cent). hep ...19921527811
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