
infant botulism. epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory aspects.clostridium botulinum organisms and toxin were identified in the feces of six infants, aged 5 to 20 weeks, who had illnesses clinically consistent with botulism. five of the infants lived in california and became ill within a six-month period in 1976; one infant became ill in new jersey in 1975. three cases were type a botulism, and three were type b. no source of ingested botulinal toxin could be found in any case. however, one infant with type b botulism had ingested a food containing c botuli ...1977321825
survey of the u.s. atlantic coast and estuaries from key largo to staten island for the presence of clostridium botulinum. 19674860536
methemoglobinemia attributable to nitrite contamination of potable water through boiler fluid additives--new jersey, 1992 and 1996.nitrite and nitrate ions are naturally occurring forms of nitrogen that can be present in ground and surface water and can be used as a food preservative because they inhibit the growth of clostridium botulinum. exposure to excessive levels of nitrite or nitrate may result in the acute syndrome of methemoglobinemia (methb), in which nitrite binds to hemoglobin. this report summarizes the findings of investigations of two incidents in which unintentional exposure to high doses of nitrite occurred ...19979072681
outbreak of clinically mild botulism type e illness from home-salted fish in patients presenting with predominantly gastrointestinal symptoms.five persons consumed home-salted fish and then presented with gastrointestinal symptoms to 3 hospitals; 2 of the patients had minimal cranial nerve palsies. early serum samples obtained from all patients were negative for botulinum toxin. remnant fish tested positive for botulinum toxin type e. in patients exposed to low doses of botulinum toxin type e, gastrointestinal symptoms may predominate.200717578769
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