incidence of salmonella spp., clostridium botulinum, and vibrio parahaemolyticus in an estuary. | a study of the incidence of salmonella spp., vibrio parahaemolyticus-like organisms, and clostridium botulinum in samples collected at five stations located in the upper chesapeake bay, a major estuary on the atlantic coast of the united states, was conducted in december 1973 through december 1974. c. botulinum types b and e were detected in 12.3% of the total sediment samples examined. v. parahaemolyticus was recovered from 10.4% of a total of 86 water, sediment, and suspended sediment samples. ... | 1976 | 776085 |
seasonal occurrence and distribution of microbial indicators and pathogens in the rhode river of chesapeake bay. | the seasonal incidence and occurrence of indicator organisms and pathogens were studied at four sites in the rhode river, a subestuary of chesapeake bay. the highest frequency of occurrence of total and fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci was in muddy creek, a marsh area receiving pasture land runoff. second highest frequency of occurrence of these bacteria was in cadle creek, a populated area. lowest measurements of these parameters were obtained at stations in the central portion of the rho ... | 1975 | 812423 |
survival studies with spores of clostridium botulinum type e in pasteurized meat of the blue crab callinectes sapidus. | clostridium botulinum type e studies reported in this paper include the incidence of the organism in selected chesapeake bay areas, growth and toxin production in crabmeat homogenates, and the effect of pasteurization upon varying levels of spores in crabmeat. type e spores were detected in 21 of 24 bottom mud samples taken at locations from which blue crabs were being harvested. sterilized crabmeat homogenates inoculated with as little as five spores per 10 g became toxic after 8 days at 50 f, ... | 1974 | 4596746 |
survey of the u.s. atlantic coast and estuaries from key largo to staten island for the presence of clostridium botulinum. | | 1967 | 4860536 |