
epidemiology of, and risk factors for, helicobacter pylori infection among 3194 asymptomatic subjects in 17 populations. the eurogast study group.the cross sectional study describes the prevalence of infection with helicobacter pylori as determined by a serodiagnostic assay in over 3000 asymptomatic subjects, in two age groups 25-34 years and 55-64 years, from 17 geographically defined populations in europe, north africa, north america, and japan, using a common protocol for blood collection and serological testing. in all populations combined, the prevalence of infection was higher in the older age group (62.4%) than in the younger age g ...19938282253
helicobacter pylori in immigrants from east africa.this study determines the prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection in a group of immigrants from east africa with dyspepsia symptoms. costs of treatment (including financial costs, adverse effects of treatment, and complexity of care) are compared for empiric treatment and treatment guided by serologic testing. of the symptomatic patients, 93% had h. pylori antibodies. empiric treatment of all patients with dyspepsia could reduce the cost of care by approximately half, with minimal risk to un ...199910491248
changing rates of helicobacter pylori testing and treatment in patients with peptic ulcer disease.the aim of this study was to identify temporal trends in the rate of helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) testing, prevalence, and treatment among patients with peptic ulcer disease in olmsted county, mn, from 1984 through 1997.200212492184
a community-based, controlled study of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of dyspepsia.dyspepsia is common in clinical practice and in the community. the relationship of the symptoms to meals and the pathophysiology in community dyspeptic patients is unclear. the purpose of this study was to measure symptoms, demographic features, and gastric motor and sensory functions associated with dyspepsia in the community.200415551251
dyspepsia consulters and patterns of management: a population-based study.although dyspepsia is common, management patterns in the united states are unknown.200516091063
vitamin b12 deficiency in resettled bhutanese refugees--united states, 2008-2011.since 2008, approximately 30,000 bhutanese refugees have been resettled in the united states. routine medical examinations of refugees after arrival in resettlement states indicated hematologic and neurologic disorders caused by vitamin b12 deficiency. these cases were reported by examining physicians and state health departments to cdc, which initiated an investigation. this report summarizes the results of that investigation. sera from overseas medical examinations, postarrival examinations in ...201121430638
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