
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
campylobacter enteritis in south australia.campylobacter jejuni was isolated on coproculture from 13 of 224 patients with suspected infectious diarrhoea whose faecal specimens were examined during a three-month period. these organisms were not isolated from 530 specimens received from asymptomatic and healthy individuals. diarrhoea and cramping abdominal pain generally lasting two to three days were the major symptoms, though occasional patients had a more prolonged illness. ingestion of campylobacter resulted in enteric infection with i ...1978732725
campylobacter as a cause of acute enteritis in children in south australia. i. a 12-month study with controls.during a 12-month period, we tested faecal samples from 386 children with acute enteritis and 332 controls by light and electron microscopy, and by bacterial and viral culture for pathogens, especially to assess the importance of campylobacter. campylobacter alone was responsible for the illness in 17 patients (5%), and was second to salmonella among the bacterial agents, which were predominant in summer. overall, rotavirus was the commonest identifiable cause of acute enteritis and was especial ...19816272073
campylobacter as a cause of acute enteritis in children in south australia. ii. clinical comparison with salmonella, rotavirus and non-specific enteritis.the clinical features of 17 children with campylobacter enteritis were compared with 17 age- and sex-matched children with enteritis due to salmonella, rotavirus or those in whom there was no identifiable pathogen. prominent clinical features of campylobacter enteritis included fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, blood in stools and periumbilical pain. dehydration was uncommon, compared to rotavirus and non-specific enteritis. the acute illness was self-limited, in spite of prolonged asymptomatic faeca ...19816272074
population-based comparative study of campylobacter and salmonella enteritis in south australia.a total of 658 cases of campylobacter enteritis was reported in south australia in the 18 months from march, 1980. although campylobacter sp. may cause more gastrointestinal disease than salmonella sp. during some time periods, our data suggest that the reverse applies over all. however, since campylobacter enteritis tends to affect older persons who possibly are investigated less frequently, the relative prevalence of campylobacter infection may have been understated. both diseases are notified ...19827132864
dna relatedness and biochemical features of campylobacter spp. isolated in central and south australia.investigations of the etiology of diarrhea in patients in south australia and the northern territory showed that campylobacter spp. other than campylobacter jejuni and c. coli were common in children. campylobacters which were hippurate positive, nitrate negative, and susceptible to cephalothin and polymyxins were shown to be closely related to c. jejuni by dna studies. thermotolerant catalase-negative campylobacters were also isolated. these were h2s negative and biochemically resembled the cat ...19852991331
a prolonged outbreak of campylobacter infection at a training facility.campylobacter outbreaks are rarely detected despite campylobacter being the most common food-borne illness notified to public health authorities. we report a prolonged outbreak of campylobacter occurring over a three month period at a training facility. seventy-eight cases were detected, 16 of which were confirmed campylobacter infections. in seven affected groups of people using the facility, the attack rate ranged between 19% and 67%. an investigation of one sporting group showed that illness ...19979090165
campylobacter species in cats and dogs in south australia.campylobacter enteritis was the most frequently notified infectious disease in australia in 1996 and campylobacter species have been associated with extra-intestinal infections such as purulent arthritis and guillian-barré syndrome. dogs and cats are known to carry campylobacteria and contact with household pets have been implicated as possible sources of human infection.199910590795
an outbreak of campylobacter jejuni infection among conference delegates.campylobacter infection is one of the most commonly reported foodborne diseases in australia however, reported campylobacter outbreaks are rare. this report describes such an outbreak among delegates attending a 10 day international academic meeting in south australia during may 2001. a retrospective cohort study of the 29 delegates who attended the conference was conducted. a questionnaire was sent by email with a response rate of 93 per cent. ten cases (onset of diarrhoea while attending the c ...200314510066
consumption of foods by young children with diagnosed campylobacter infection - a pilot case-control determine whether parentally reported habitual intake of specific foods differed between children with diagnosed campylobacter jejuni infection and children of a comparison group without diagnosed infection.200414972076
low-level fluoroquinolone resistance among campylobacter jejuni isolates in australia.ciprofloxacin-resistant campylobacter jejuni isolates obtained from infected patients in australia have not been detected in studies of isolates from specific geographic areas. the australian government has prohibited the use of fluoroquinolone in food-producing animals. to assess the impact of this policy, we have examined the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates from 5 australian states.200616619147
effect of acidified sodium chlorite treatment on chicken carcases processed in south australia.a trial on the effectiveness of acidified sodium chlorite (asc) on salmonella and campylobacter was undertaken on chicken carcases after they exited the screw chiller of a commercial premises in adelaide, australia. on untreated carcases mean log10 total viable count (25 degrees c) was 2.78/cm2 compared with 1.23/cm2 on treated carcases. prevalence of e. coli, salmonella and campylobacter was 100%, 90% and 100% respectively, on untreated carcases and 13%, 10% and 23% respectively, on treated car ...200717169454
a baseline survey of the microbiological quality of chicken portions and carcasses at retail in two australian states (2005 to 2006).raw poultry products were purchased from the retail market place in two australian states, new south wales (n = 549) and south australia (n = 310). the products sampled on a proportional volume basis were chicken portions with the skin off or skin on, in bulk or tray packs, and whole carcasses. they were collected from butcher shops, supermarkets, and specialty stores from urban areas during the winter (2005) and summer (2006) months. the samples were analyzed to determine the prevalence and con ...200818592737
weather and notified campylobacter infections in temperate and sub-tropical regions of australia: an ecological study.the relationship between weather and food-borne diseases has been of great concern recently. however, the impact of weather variations on food-borne disease may vary in different areas with various geographic, weather and demographic characteristics. this study was designed to quantify the relationship between weather variables and campylobacter infections in two australian cities with different local climatic conditions.200818804870
Displaying items 1 - 13 of 13