
modified primers for the identification of nonpathogenic fusarium oxysporum isolates that have biological control potential against fusarium wilt of cucumber in taiwan.previous investigations demonstrated that fusarium oxysporum (fo), which is not pathogenic to cucumbers, could serve as a biological control agent for managing fusarium wilt of cucumber caused by fo f. sp. cucumerinum (foc) in taiwan. however, thus far it has not been possible to separate the populations of pathogenic fo from the nonpathogenic isolates that have biological control potential through their morphological characteristics. although these two populations can be distinguished from one ...201323762289
composition and antipathogenic activities of the twig essential oil of chamaecyparis formosensis from this study, antipathogenic activities of the twig essential oil and its constituents from chamaecyparis formosensis matsum were evaluated in vitro against six plant pathogenic fungi. the essential oil from the fresh twigs was isolated using hydrodistillation in a clevenger-type apparatus, and characterized by gc-fid and gc-ms. twenty-five compounds were identified, representing 98.9% of the oil. the main components were beta-eudesmol (25.1%), tau-muurolol (21.6%), elemol (15.0%), totarol (14. ...201222908586
development of the molecular methods for rapid detection and differentiation of fusarium oxysporum and f. oxysporum f. sp. niveum in taiwan.fusarium wilt, caused by fusarium oxysporum (fo), is one of the most important fungal diseases worldwide. like other plant pathogens, fo displays specialized forms in association with its hosts. for example, f. oxysporum f. sp. niveum (fon) is the damaging pathogen causing fusarium wilt disease on watermelon, whereas f. oxysporum f. sp. cubense is the pathogen that infects banana. a rapid and reliable pathogen identification or disease diagnosis is essential for the integrated disease management ...201020471505
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