
campylobacter jejuni enteritis in honolulu, hawaii.the incidence of campylobacter jejuni in patients with acute diarrhoea was studied in honolulu, hawaii. c. jejuni was recovered from 8.7% of diarrhoeal stools, compared to isolation rates of 4.2% for salmonella and 3.8% for shigella. c. jejuni occurred mainly in the summer and autumn, and in all age and racial groups. there was a significantly higher incidence of abdominal pain, fever history, bloody stools and faecal leucocytes in patients with campylobacter enteritis.19836636278
enteropathogenic e. coli infections and carriers of bacterial enteric pathogens among hospitalized children. 196414210748
shigella sonnei outbreak among japanese travelers returning from hawaii. 200616936358
international foodborne outbreak of shigella sonnei infection in airline passengers.during 22-24 august 2004, an outbreak of shigella sonnei infection affected air travellers who departed from hawaii. forty-seven passengers with culture-confirmed shigellosis and 116 probable cases who travelled on 12 flights dispersed to japan, australia, 22 us states, and american samoa. all flights were served by one caterer. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of all 29 s. sonnei isolates yielded patterns that matched within one band. food histories and menu reviews identified raw carrot served ...200918177516
shigella sonnei outbreak on the island of maui. 19724557073
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