
evidence of circulation of laguna negra-like hantavirus in the central west of brazil: case report.hantavirus pulmonary syndrome has been reported with increasing frequency in some brazilian regions, but information about viral genetic identification is still limited. recently, the state of mato grosso, in the legal amazon of brazil, experienced a growing number of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (hps) cases but the genetic characterization of the causative hantavirus is still missing.200919395308
genetic investigation of novel hantaviruses causing fatal hps in brazil.although hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (hps) was discovered in north america in 1993, more recent investigations have shown that the disease is a much larger problem in south america, where a greater number of cases and hps-associated viruses have now been detected. here we describe the genetic investigation of three fatal hps cases from brazil, including a 1995 case in castelo dos sonhos (cas) in the state of mato grosso and two 1996 cases in the counties of araraquara (ara) and franca (fra), i ...199910534737
rickettsia bellii, rickettsia amblyommii, and laguna negra hantavirus in an indian reserve in the brazilian amazon.the purpose of this study was to identify the presence of rickettsia and hantavirus in wild rodents and arthropods in response to an outbreak of acute unidentified febrile illness among indians in the halataikwa indian reserve, northwest of the mato grosso state, in the brazilian amazon. where previously surveillance data showed serologic evidence of rickettsia and hantavirus human infection.201424742108
molecular epidemiology of laguna negra virus, mato grosso state, brazil.we associated laguna negra virus with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in mato grosso state, brazil, and a previously unidentified potential host, the calomys callidus rodent. genetic testing revealed homologous sequencing in specimens from 20 humans and 8 mice. further epidemiologic studies may lead to control of hps in mato grosso state.201222607717
circulation of hantaviruses in the influence area of the cuiabá-santarém highway.we describe evidence of circulation of hantaviruses in the influence area of the santarém-cuiabá highway (br-163) in the brazilian amazon through the prevalence of specific antibodies against hantaviruses in inhabitants living in four municipalities of this area: novo progresso (2.16%) and trairão (4.37%), in state of pará (pa), and gua-rantã do norte (4.74%) and marcelândia (9.43%), in state of mato grosso. we also demonstrate the ongoing association between castelo dos sonhos virus (casv) and ...201020835614
pygmy rice rat as potential host of castelo dos sonhos study the dynamics of wild rodent populations and identify potential hosts for hantavirus, we conducted an eco-epidemiologic study in campo novo do parecis, mato grosso state, brazil. we detected and genetically characterized castelo dos sonhos virus found in a species of pygmy rice rat (oligoryzomys utiaritensis).201121801642
serological evidence of hantavirus infection in an urban area in mato grosso state, brazil, mato grosso (mt) has the highest number of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome cases. our study aimed to identify anti-hantavirus antibodies in the sera of patients from sinop, mt, presenting with acute febrile illness.201727384832
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome outbreak, brazil, december 2009-january outbreak of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome occurred in the sobradinho indian settlement of the kayabí ethnic group in northern mato grosso during december 2009-january 2010. we conducted a retrospective study to clarify the outbreak's epidemiologic and clinical characteristics. results suggest a relationship between the outbreak and deforestation and farming expansion in indigenous areas.201324207006
serologic survey of hantavirus in a rural population from the northern state of mato grosso, brazil.hantavirus is a genus of ribonucleic acid (rna) viruses included in the family bunyaviridae. hantaviruses are rodent-borne zoonoses that, in the last 18 years, became an emergent public health problem in the americas, causing a severe cardiopulmonary syndrome. this disease has no specific treatment and has a high case fatality. the transmission of hantavirus to man occurs by inhaling aerosols of rodent excreta. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies to hantavirus in ...201322767098
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