
clinical and pathological findings in young georgia broiler chickens with oculofacial respiratory disease ("so-called swollen heads").chickens with swollen heads generally are said to have swollen head syndrome. in this retrospective study, 16 accessions of young chickens during 1992 had "swollen heads." clinical signs and lesions were accompanied by infection with multiple viruses, bacteria, and cryptosporidium baileyi. the fact that almost half of the cases of chickens with swollen heads occurred in one broiler-producing company and predictably within 14 days post-vaccination suggests that management factors might be instrum ...19947980292
respiratory coccidiosis (cryptosporidium baileyi) among northern georgia broilers in one company.cryptosporidium baileyi causes respiratory disease in chickens. the purposes of this prospective study were to determine the incidence of c. baileyi tracheitis among broilers in a commercial setting, and the relationship between c. baileyi tracheitis and production performance parameters. all samples came from 56 farms that grow broilers for one company in northern georgia. tracheas were collected and examined with a light microscope and cultured for viruses and bacteria. overall, 23 of 56 (41%) ...19968883786
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