
avian spirochetosis (borrelia anserina) epizootics in arizona poultry. 196113742888
avian spirochetosis: natural transmission by argas (persicargas) sanchezi (ixodoidea: argasidae) and existence of different serologic and immunologic types of borrelia anserina in the united states.a mild strain of borrelia anserina was transmitted to chicks by an argasid tick identified as argas (persicargas)sanchezi dugès, 1887. disease was transmitted regularly to chicks less than 2 to 3 weeks old, and rarely to chicks 4 weeks old or older. this spirochete isolate was demonstrated to be immunologically and serologically diverse from an isolate obtained earlier in arizona. this is the first report of transmission of b anserina by a(p) sanchezi and of the presence of different serologic a ...1979453680
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