
phage typing of the mycobacterium avium-intracellulare-scrofulaceum complex. a study of strains of diverse geographic and host origin.a total of 339 strains of the mycobacterium avium-intracellulare-scrofulaceum complex were phage typed using our previously described technique and 11 typing phages. these included 235 strains of human origin obtained from state health laboratories in virginia, georgia, florida, and arkansas, 26 strains isolated from persons with aids, 38 strains isolated from animals, and 40 environmental isolates. a phage-typing scheme was developed that denotes sensitivity to 8 primary typing phages: the jf g ...19854026062
infections in children with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: an autopsy study of 30 cases in south florida, 1990-1993.thirty autopsies performed on infants and children with hiv infection and/or aids were reviewed for the presence and type of infection. twenty-six (87%) demonstrated evidence of infection in addition to hiv at the time of postmortem examination. pathogenic bacterial infectious were the most frequently encountered, seen in 15 of the cases. nine of the 15 (60%) were due to gram-negative rods, most commonly pseudomonas aeruginosa. infections with gram-negative organisms often involved multiple orga ...19958597814
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