
elevated co2: impact on diurnal patterns of photosynthesis in natural microbial ecosystems.algae, including blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), are the major source of fixed carbon in many aquatic ecosystems. previous work has shown that photosynthetic carbon fixation is often enhanced in the presence of additional carbon dioxide (co2). this study was undertaken to determine if this co2 fertilization effect extended to microbial mats, and, if so, at what times during the day might the addition of co2 affect carbon fixation. four microbial mats from diverse environments were selected, in ...199411538022
the effects of uv radiation a and b on diurnal variation in photosynthesis in three taxonomically and ecologically diverse microbial mats.photosynthetic primary production, the basis of most global food chains, is inhibited by uv radiation. evaluating uv inhibition is therefore important for assessing the role of natural levels of uv radiation in regulating ecosystem behavior as well as the potential impact of stratospheric ozone depletion on global ecosystems. as both photosynthesis and uv fluxes are subject to diurnal variations, we examined the diurnal variability of the effect of uv radiation on photosynthesis in three diverse ...199911536898
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