
investigation of postanginal sepsis and lemierre's syndrome in the south west peninsula.we describe a retrospective case series of postanginal sepsis and lemierre's syndrome (ls) identified from laboratory records of fusobacterium necrophorum isolates and from clinical case note review. some patients presented with sore throat, tonsillitis, quinsy or a septicaemic illness, whereas others presented with symptoms related to metastatic septic lesions with later recognition of the significance of the preceding sore throat. patients with otitis media and mastoiditis are included in the ...200112109395
fusobacterium necrophorum infections in england and wales response to a marked increase in both the number of fusobacterium necrophorum bacteraemia reports to the phls communicable disease surveillance centre and the number of f. necrophorum isolates referred to the phls anaerobe reference unit in 1999, the data from both sources on f. necrophorum infections were reviewed for the decade 1990-2000. there were 208 reports of f. necrophorum bacteraemia (average 19/year; range 14-34/year) with a peak in incidence in the late winter months; 68% were from ...200211871622
aetiological agents of necrobacillosis in captive a series of 27 wallabies (macropus rufogriseus) with necrobacillosis, 14 animals were affected in the face, nine in the leg and six in the internal organs, two being affected in more than one site. fusobacterium necrophorum was the predominating organism, occurring in 69 per cent of lesions, usually in heavy and occasionally in pure culture. bacteroides species (six in all), often in considerable numbers, were found in 48 per cent of lesions, and f nucleatum in 14 per cent. aerobes or faculta ...19846463385
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