
[outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus at a neonatal intensive care unit in mexico city].rsv can be spread in hospital wards, being thus responsible for increased morbidity and mortality among infected patients. we describe an rsv outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit (nicu). methods. as soon as the first rsv cases were detected in the nicu, every patient, as well as the personnel taking care of them, were tested; nasal washes for viral isolation, and nasopharyngeal swabs for viral antigen detection by immunofluorescence, were collected. results. twelve patients were hospitaliz ...19938216868
frequency of viruses associated with acute respiratory infections in children younger than five years of age at a locality of mexico city.a locality in the district of tlalpan, mexico city, was selected in order to identify the viral agents in children younger than 5 years of age with acute respiratory infection (ari). a total of 300 children were randomly selected and were included in this study for a period of 13 months. during this period nasopharyngeal exudates were collected for the isolation of viral agents. monoclonal fluorescent antibodies were used for viral identification after cell culture. viral infection was detected ...200616612508
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