
progress toward poliomyelitis eradication - pakistan, january 2015-september 2016.pakistan, afghanistan, and nigeria remain the only countries where endemic wild poliovirus type 1 (wpv1) transmission continues. this report describes the activities, challenges, and progress toward polio eradication in pakistan during january 2015-september 2016 and updates previous reports (1,2). in 2015, a total of 54 wpv1 cases were reported in pakistan, an 82% decrease from 2014. in 2016, 15 wpv1 cases had been reported as of november 1, representing a 61% decrease compared with the 38 case ...201627880752
virological and serological studies on poliomyelitis in karachi, pakistan. i. outbreaks in 1990-91.between october 1989 and september 1991, 124 cases of poliomyelitis visited the department of paediatrics, civil hospital karachi, pakistan. the majority of them were between 6 months and 2 years of age and the epidemics occurred during the hot seasons. the dominant serotype was poliovirus type 1 during the epidemic season in 1990 and type 2 in 1991. all the polioviruses isolated from the patients were wild-type. virological studies also disclosed that enteroviruses other than polioviruses were ...19938256620
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