
[aids and hiv infections in urologic practice].the infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), a retrovirus, leads to a progressive decline and to the suppression of cell-mediated immunity favouring the development of opportunistic diseases and potentially fatal neoplasias which are practically innocuous in individuals with an intact immunologic system. the number of aids cases recorded in spain until march 1997 was 45,132, with a revised mortality rate of 58%. cases in murcia total 713 up to october 1997, of which 217 patien ...19989658646
salmonella enterica serovar virchow with ctx-m-like beta-lactamase in spain.four salmonella enterica serovar virchow strains resistant to broad-spectrum cephalosporins were isolated from patients with gastroenteritis in 1997 and 1998 in murcia and barcelona, spain. the isolates expressed a beta-lactamase with a pi of about 8 and a positive pcr when specific primers for ctx-m-9 were used. these results suggest the presence of a ctx-m-9 beta-lactamase in these strains.200011101623
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