
an investigation on the culicoides species composition at seven sites in southern the past decade, there have been regular outbreaks of bluetongue (bt) in many parts of europe. owing to the presence of bt disease and its vectors in countries adjacent to switzerland, an initial entomological survey was conducted in 2003, which established the presence of several midges of the genus culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae). subsequently, a sentinel herd monitoring system was established with the primary entomological aim being the determination and further study of culicoides p ...200919493190
bluetongue vector species of culicoides in switzerland.switzerland is historically recognized by the office internationale des epizooties as free from bluetongue disease (bt) because of its latitude and climate. with bluetongue virus (btv) moving north from the mediterranean, an entomological survey was conducted in switzerland in 2003 to assess the potential of the btv vectors present. a total of 39 cattle farms located in three geographical regions, the ticino region, the western region and the region of the grisons, were monitored during the vect ...200616874919
establishment of an early warning system against bluetongue virus in switzerland.bluetongue (bt) is a vector-borne animal disease of economical importance due to the international trade restrictions likely to be put into place in a country once the infection is discovered. the presence of bt and its vectors in countries adjacent to switzerland stresses the need of implementing a surveillance system and to raise disease awareness among potential stakeholders. a national survey in switzerland 2003 indicated freedom of bluetongue virus (btv), although a single individual of the ...200617209508
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