
bothrops lanceolatus bites: guidelines for severity assessment and emergent management.approximately 20-30 declared snakebite cases occurin martinique each year. bothrops lanceolatus, a member of the crotalidae family, is considered to be the only involved snake. b. lanceolatus, commonly named "fer-de-lance", is endemic and only found on this caribbean island. envenomation local features include the presence of fang marks, swelling, pain, bleeding from punctures, and ecchymosis. severe envenomation is associated with multiple systemic thromboses appearing within 48 h of the bite a ...201022069552
ciguatera fish poisoning in the caribbean islands and western atlantic.ciguatera fish poisoning (ciguatera), a common poisoning caused by fish ingestion, is reviewed in the western atlantic and the caribbean waters. it is endemic from florida coasts (northern limit) to martinique island (southern limit), with outbreaks occurring from time to time. in the caribbean, ciguatera causes a polymorphic syndrome with gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and neurological signs and symptoms. neurological and muscular dysfunctions can be treated by intravenous injection of d-man ...200112882228
prognostic significance of clinical grading of patients envenomed by bothrops lanceolatus in martinique. members of the research group on snake bite in martinique.the correlation between clinical grading of patients bitten by bothrops lanceolatus and the subsequent development of their envenoming was examined. severity of envenoming was graded using a 1-4 scale (minor to major). patients were classified into 2 groups according to the time elapsed between bite and treatment with a specific purified equine f(ab')2 antivenom. the late/no treatment group (n = 33) was characterized by a systemic thrombotic complication rate of 14/33 (42.4%) leading to 4 deaths ...19989861375
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