
a questionnaire survey on helminth control on horse farms in brandenburg, germany and the assessment of risks caused by different kinds of management.control strategies for horse helminths are controversially discussed, and no ideal strategy exists. presently, the spreading of anthelmintic resistance against all three classes of anthelmintics is of special concern. advice on how to slow the development of anthelmintic resistance does not seem to have reached the majority of horse owners yet. in our study, we wanted to capture the current standard of helminth control and to analyse the effectiveness of these control strategies. seven hundred h ...201121559764
prevalence of helminths in horses in the state of brandenburg, germany.the objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence of helminths in the horse population of the state of brandenburg, germany. one hundred and twenty-six horse farms in the state were selected by randomised stratified sampling. in total, 1,407 horses across all farms were examined coproscopically. the experimental unit was the horse farm: a farm was considered infected when at least one horse on the farm investigated was positive for helminth eggs. animal details such as age, breed and sex ...201121472400
[pilot study to evaluate the efficiency of insecticide-treated mosquito net fences for the protection of horses against nuisance insects in northern brandenburg].a fence of black mosquito netting of 100 cm height, pre-treated with 80 mg/m2 of deltamethrin and uv-protected, was used to shelter horses from nuisance and biting insects on pasture in northern brandenburg. the netting material was attached to the surrounding poles of the existing fences at a height of 15 cm above ground. three trial groups were selected grazing in spatially separated areas with comparable densities of insect populations. one paddock was completely fenced apart from a wall of 1 ...200617007470
[dermatophilus congolensis infection in brandenburg].at first time dermatophilus (d.) congolensis-infection was diagnosed in brandenburg in 3 sheep herds and in one horse, which had contact to diseased sheep. the causative agent was introduced from west-germany probably. cause of the disease was influenced by a longer rain period and by secondary infections through staph. aureus var. ovis. the morbidity came up to 90%, the mortality of lambs was 10%. clinical picture, diagnostic and control of the disease are described. economical losses are cause ...19957600948
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