
role of respiratory viruses in acute upper and lower respiratory tract illness in the first year of life: a birth cohort study.although acute respiratory illnesses (ari) are major causes of morbidity and mortality in early childhood worldwide, little progress has been made in their control and prophylaxis. most studies have focused on hospitalized children or children from closed populations. it is essential that the viral etiology of these clinical diseases be accurately defined in the development of antiviral drugs.200616874165
use of data linkage to investigate the aetiology of acute lower respiratory infection hospitalisations in children.aim:  to document the aetiology of acute lower respiratory infection (alri) hospitalisations in western australian children by linking population-based laboratory data with hospital morbidity data. methods:  data from all alri hospitalisations and laboratory records related to respiratory pathogens between 2000 and 2005 were extracted and linked through a population-based record linkage system. the proportion of specimens that were positive for each respiratory viral or bacterial pathogen was do ...201122077532
exploring the dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) transmission in children.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the main cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children. whilst highly seasonal, rsv dynamics can have either one-year (annual) or two-year (biennial) cycles. furthermore, some countries show a 'delayed biennial' pattern, where the epidemic peak in low incidence years is delayed. we develop a compartmental model for rsv infection, driven by a seasonal forcing function, and conduct parameter space and bifurcation analyses to document parameter ranges ...201627155294
time series analysis of rsv and bronchiolitis seasonality in temperate and tropical western australia.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) causes respiratory illness in young children and is most commonly associated with bronchiolitis. rsv typically occurs as annual or biennial winter epidemics in temperate regions, with less pronounced seasonality in the tropics. we sought to characterise and compare the seasonality of rsv and bronchiolitis in temperate and tropical western australia. we examined over 13 years of rsv laboratory identifications and bronchiolitis hospitalisations in children, using ...201627294794
characterizing the risk of respiratory syncytial virus in infants with older siblings: a population-based birth cohort study.from a population-based birth cohort of 245 249 children born in western australia during 1996-2005, we used linkage of laboratory and birth record datasets to obtain data including all respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) detections during infancy from a subcohort of 87 981 singleton children born in the perth metropolitan area from 2000 to 2004. using log binomial regression, we found that the risk of infant rsv detection increases with the number of older siblings, with those having ⩾3 older sib ...201727821195
timing of bronchiolitis hospitalisations and respiratory syncytial virus immunoprophylaxis in non-metropolitan western australia. 200919912095
seasonality of respiratory viral identification varies with age and aboriginality in metropolitan western australia.viral respiratory infections are a major cause of pediatric illness. it is not known whether seasonality of viruses differs between aboriginal and non-aboriginal children of varying ages.200919384260
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