
[causes of leptospirosis morbidity in krasnodar region].the situation in leptospirosis morbidity in the krasnodar territory has been analyzed. the tendency towards a decrease in the number of water outbreaks and a growth in the number of sporadic cases has been noted. antibodies to leptospira ictrohaemorrhagiae, whose natural carriers are gray rats, are most often detected in the blood of patients. among leptospirosis patients, persons engaged in fishing, work on plots of land adjoining their summer cottages, dog breeding are mostly registered. the d ...200112718184
[human diseases caused by leptospirae of the canicola serogroup in the krasnodar territory].during the period of 34 years (1957-1990) diseases caused by leptospires of the serogroup canicola were confirmed in 2.7% of the total number of patients. the analysis revealed that in the presence of epidemic outbreaks leptospira infection caused by bacteria of the serogroup canicola occurred 1.7 times more often than at the time when such outbreaks were absent. periodic increases of leptospirosis caused by this serogroup were registered in individual towns and regions of the territory in diffe ...19938067118
[natural focus of leptospirosis in the rice paddies of krasmodar territory and the means for its eradication].offthe rice fields of the krasnodar territory the intensive epizootic of leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica can be observed in the population of norway rats (995 animals have been examined and 102 cultures obtained) the whole year round. the highest intensity of the epizootic process is known to fall on the end of summer and the beginning of autumn (45-50% of leptospira carriers). the natural focus of leptospirosis on the rice-growing complex is epidemiologically dangerous. the epizootic process c ...19846233830
[role of serodiagnosis in recognizing atypical forms of leptospirosis in krasnodar territory].the work deals with the epidemiological situation with respect to leptospira infections in the krasnodar territory. the work demonstrates that, in comparison with 1960-ies characterized by the prevalence of diseases caused by l. pomona and l. grippotyphosa, in 1970-ies the increase of the specific proportion of infections caused by l. icterohaemorrhagiae was registered. in recent 5 years (1980-1984) this leptospirosis constituted 73.5-94.8% of the total morbidity rate in the territory. such situ ...19862948357
[comparative study of the immunoglobulin content in persons from leptospirosis foci in different geographical zones of the rsfsr].the authors carried out a comparative study of the content of serum immunoglobulins in persons from the leptospirosis foci of various geographical zones of the rsfsr: european part--the centre (moscow and ryazan regions), the south (checheno-ingush assr and krasnodar territory), and western siberia (altai territory), leptospira of serological group pomona, grippotyphosa, and hbedomadis served as the causative agents of the diseases. it appeared that the annual course of the climatic factors acte ...1978149486
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