
editorial: to put down with dignity. 19751189237
multiple genetic typing of salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium isolates of different phage types (dt104, u302, dt204b, and dt49) from animals and humans in england, wales, and northern ireland.salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium is a common cause of salmonellosis among humans and animals in england, wales, and northern ireland. phage types dt104 and u302 were the most prevalent types in both livestock and humans in 2001. in addition, salmonella serotype typhimurium dt204b was responsible for a recent international outbreak involving england. a total of 119 isolates from humans (n = 28) and animals or their environment (n = 91), belonging to dt104 (n = 66), u302 (n = 33), dt204b ( ...200212454135
smoking, atopy and certain furry pets are major determinants of respiratory symptoms in children: the international study of asthma and allergies in childhood study (ireland).environmental, cultural and health care differences may account for variation among countries in the prevalence of asthma and respiratory symptoms in teenagers.200312534556
an update on uk rheumatology consultant workforce provision: the bsr/arc workforce register 2005-07: assessing the impact of recent changes in nhs describe changes in the provision of rheumatology services, monitor the pattern of inequalities in uk rheumatology service provision since 2005, and to summarize the 3-yr impact of the new national health service (nhs) consultant contract and the musculoskeletal services framework in england and wales.200818424468
an outbreak of aujeszky's disease in sheep in northern outbreak of aujeszky's disease occurred in a flock of 160 ewes which had been shorn and housed adjacent to pigs which were excreting aujeszky's disease virus. the 29 affected sheep developed either the classical 'mad itch' signs associated with aujeszky's disease in ruminants or signs of encephalitis. aujeszky's disease virus was isolated from the central nervous system of the affected ewes. five farm cats also became ill and died. histological lesions of viral encephalitis were observed in o ...19957676579
proportion of pet cats registered with a veterinary practice and factors influencing registration in the uk.registration of a cat with a veterinary practice is likely to be a critical factor for access to key preventative medicine. a cross-sectional study was conducted to collect data in the united kingdom on the registration status of cats and potential explanatory variables. these data were also used to identify potential sources of bias associated with selecting controls from veterinary registered populations of cats due to differences between registered and unregistered cats. cat owners reported t ...201121963659
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