
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[rabies in schleswig-holstein]. 19695817393
[exposure of humans to rabies in schleswig-holstein]. 19705451563
[control of salmonella infections in cattle in schleswig-holstein]. 19724551104
[serological findings on the distribution of ibr (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis)-ipv (infectious pustulous vulvovaginitis) infection in cattle in the breeding areas of lower saxony and schleswig-holstein]. 19744616819
[results from the central laboratory for streptococci research in kiel from 1965 to 1977 - a survey (author's transl)].at the central laboratory for streptococci research at the institute for hygiene of the federal dairy research centre in kiel a data bank has been established which comprises as well bibliographical data (until now more than 8000 titles out of the international literature concerning streptococci) as laboratory data of all strains which have been identified since 1965. for this present publication as a survey the total material covering 34,935 strains was analyzed and interpreted. besides a short ...1979543350
[results from the central laboratory for streptococci research in kiel from 1965 to 1980 - group d-streptococci (enterococci) (author's transl)].in accordance with previous papers published within a series of publications which describe the results obtained from the central laboratory for streptococcal research in kiel (1. survey, 2. mastitis-streptococci) the group of enterococci is discussed herewith. on the basis of more than 6000 strains which are stored in our databank including all biological characteristics, the distribution of the cultural, biochemical and serological parameters is listed in percentages, and the usefulness and re ...19816800149
[results from the central laboratory for streptococci research in kiel from 1965 to 1978 - mastitis streptococci (author's transl)]. 19817023131
isolation of bovine viral diarrhea virus-like pestiviruses from roe deer (capreolus capreolus).cytopathogenic pestiviruses were isolated from two seronegative free-ranging roe deer (capreolus capreolus) from northern germany (schleswig-holstein): an adult female and a young buck collected on 6 december 1990 and 26 july 1991, respectively. the two isolates were identified by polymerase chain reaction as pestiviruses. however, they were negative when primers specific for bovine virus diarrhea virus or classical swine fever virus were used, indicating that the two isolates might belong to a ...19958583645
[yersinia enterocolitica serovar 2a, wb, 3:b,c biovar 5 in hares and sheep].during the last fourty years the "hare type" of yersinia enterocolitica was detected in the brown hare and other mammals in several european countries. in northern germany (province of schleswig-holstein) the pathogen was not found in the post mortem materials of the cattle, swine and horses during the years 1990-1996. in approximately 1,000 sheep studied this yersinia was cultured from the internal organs of one diarrhoeic lamb. the examination of some 200 perished hares reveals one animal with ...19979290039
[helminth infection in cattle from schleswig-holstein (germany) after one grazing season].fifteen holstein-friesian bulls which grazed together for one season (april to november) in schleswig-holstein were necropsied after housing for 2 to 6 weeks. the approximately 12-month old bulls weighed 378 to 491 kg at slaughter and did not receive any anthelmintic on pasture. the most prevalent species of the gastrointestinal tract was ostertagia ostertagi (prevalence; geometric mean worm count; minimum-maximum) (100%; 1,355; 130-4,590) followed by cooperia (c.) oncophora (86.7%; 343; 20-14,8 ...200312592928
potential risk factors associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle from schleswig-holstein, germany.since the first detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) in homebred cattle in germany on 26 november 2000, 382 cases have been confirmed until 30 september 2005. thirty-two of these cases were reported from the federal state of schleswig-holstein (sh). there are hypotheses on the routes of infection for german cattle, but only few efforts have been made to assess potential risk factors by epidemiological studies. the purpose of this study was to identify potential risk factors at the ...200616930273
[peter plett and other discoverers of cowpox vaccination before edward jenner].before edward jenner tested the possibility of using the cowpox vaccine as an immunisation for smallpox in humans in 1796, at least six people had done the same several years earlier. however, the findings of these six people regarding the cowpox vaccination are either hardly known or have even been forgotten. for the first time, the originally scattered information on the procedures used by these six people has been gathered and will be presented in this article. detailed attention will be give ...200617338405
neospora caninum in dairy herds in schleswig-holstein, germany.the aim of a cross-sectional survey performed between november 2005 and april 2006 was to obtain actual information on the occurrence of neospora (n.) caninum infection in dairy cows of schleswig-holstein. it was planned to examine tank-milk of about 35% of the approximately 6,000 dairy herds in schleswig-holstein for n. caninum-specific antibodies using a p38-tank-milk elisa. this test is able to detect a within-herd n. caninum-seroprevalence of > 10%. only 20 (1.0%) out of 1,950 tank-milk samp ...200919226934
bluetongue disease in germany (2007-2008): monitoring of entomological the summer of 2006, a bluetongue epidemic started in the border area of belgium, the netherlands, and germany, spread within 2 years over large areas of western and central europe, and caused substantial losses in farm ruminants. especially sheep and cattle were severely affected, leading to a case-fatality ratio of nearly 40% in sheep (conraths et al., emerg inf dis 15(3):433-435, 2009). the german federal ministry of food, agriculture, and consumer protection (bmelv) established a countrywi ...200919322587
visceral botulism at dairy farms in schleswig holstein, germany - prevalence of clostridium botulinum in feces of cows, in animal feeds, in feces of the farmers, and in house dust.from 41 dairy farms in schleswig holstein, germany, 196 fecal specimens of diseased cows, 77 fecal specimens of farmers and family members from 26 of these farms, 35 animal feed specimens and 7 house dust specimens were investigated for clostridiumbotulinum and its antigens, respectively. four of the humans under study (one child, 8 month, and three adults) showed symptoms of infant/visceral botulism. specimens were cultivated in reinforced clostridial medium (rcm). c. botulinum antigens were de ...201122200452
case-control study on the risks of bse infections in northern germany.this study was to identify risk factors for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) by means of individual case-control data. 43 bse cases in a defined region in lower saxony and schleswig-holstein were compared with 84 control animals. purchase of new breeding stock and cross contamination between feed on the farm did not seem to have influence on the bse incidence in these regions. the results indicate independent risk patterns. pattern 1: cows with high milk yield seemed to be at risk on big f ...201323758037
[lactational incidences of common diseases in dairy herds in schleswig-holstein (germany): effect of first test-day milk yield, herd milk yield and number of lactation].it was the aim of this study to record common diseases in dairy cows in schleswig-holstein, germany, and to describe associations between lactation number (ln: 1, 2, > 2), first test-day milk yield (td1: < 30 kg, ≥ 30 kg) and herd milk yield (hm: ≤ 7500 kg, > 7500 kg), the latter parameter serving as a proxy for herd management (extensive vs. intensive). data of 98 dairy herds (6439 lactations) were processed on cow level using mixed logistic regression models with ln< td1, hm and calving season ...201526054229
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