
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[factors and markers of virulence of escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrhea in calves aged 4-45 days in algeria].the study involved 492 strains of escherichia coli isolated from the feces of 44 diarrhoeal calves and 4 healthy calves in 7 wilayates in algeria (tipaza, ain defla, bejaïa, borj bou arreridj, bouira, medea and algiers). the authors looked for the surface proteins k99, cs31a, vir, f17 (fy), 20k and certain factors or markers of virulence such as the production of colicins, particularly colicin v, the aerobactin siderophore, alpha hemolysin and enterohemolysin. they also studied the frequency of ...19947863065
first epidemiological study on exposure to neospora caninum in different canine populations in the algiers district (algeria).neospora caninum is an important cause of abortion in cattle worldwide. dogs act as final hosts shedding oocysts in the environment. they can also harbour the extraintestinal stage of the parasite and this may be associated with a fairly rare neuromuscular condition. the sera of 781 dogs from the algiers district were screened by ifat for the presence of anti-n. caninum antibodies. these dogs were distributed into four populations: local stray dogs, police dogs, dogs from breeding kennels and fa ...200919723590
molecular characterization of mycobacterium bovis strains isolated from cattle slaughtered at two abattoirs in algeria.bovine tuberculosis is prevalent in algeria despite governmental attempts to control the disease. the objective of this study was to conduct, for the first time, molecular characterization of a population sample of mycobacterium bovis strains isolated from slaughter cattle in algeria. between august and november 2007, 7250 animals were consecutively screened at the abattoirs of algiers and blida. in 260 animals, gross visible granulomatous lesions were detected and put into culture. bacterial is ...200919173726
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