
[on the epizootiology of leptospirosis in dagestan]. 19664230672
[epizootiology of foot-and-mouth disease under the conditions of summering animal husbandry]. 19744466048
[the typical structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis and its relationship with an epidemic process and epizooties in daghestan].when mycobacteria tuberculosis isolated from the sputums of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in daghestan were typed, the proportion of the bovine type mycobacteria was found to 20.5% in 1977-1978; that was 8.9% after long-term health-promoting measures in 1989 and 24.8%; after a decade of decreased measures in 1997-1998. the epidemiology and epizooty of tuberculosis in the region were closely interrelated and intensified each other. the proportion of bovine mycobacteria isolated from patien ...200212164110
[population density and area-specific distribution of the imago form of hyalomma marginatum ticks, the vector of crimean haemorrhagic fever, in dagestan].the results of the determination of the amount and location of ticks hyalomma marginatum in daghestan at the period of the appearance of cases of crimean haemorrhagic fever (chf) are presented. the domination and abundance indices of these ticks in different landscape areas, on the territories of some plain and foothill regions of the republic of daghestan are given. the advantages of the effective method for the collection of ticks "on the observer" have been substantiated. the data thus obtain ...200112718193
[eimeria of cattle in the republic of dagestan].data on eimeria (sporozoa: coccidia) parasitizing cattle in different regions of the republic of dagestan are given. eight species of the genus were found. eimeria zuernii, e. subspherica, and e. bovis appeared to be the dominate species. total infestation rate in the republic is 67.7%, while in mountain regions of dagestan in is 83%.200818727369
[genetic characterization of the brucella melitensis isolates from mongolia, russia, and azerbaijan].the goal of this work was to provide comparative genetic characterization of the human and animal brucella melitensis isolates from mongolia, russia and azerbaijan using current molecular-genetic typing methods.201121786630
[control of ixodid ticks during the fall-winter period]. 19761258337
[experience in eradicating necrobacillosis on a state farm]. 19751114669
[clinical signs of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in cattle]. 19751114668
[theileriasis in dagestan]. 1978676055
[epizootiology of leptospirosis in animals]. 1979419667
[fauna and distribution of nematodes from the suborders spirurata and filariata parasitizing cattle in dagestan, from the perspective of vertical zoning].cattle of dagestan are infested with several nematode species from the suborders spirurata and filariata, and extensiveness of the invasion depends greatly on the altitude above sea level. level of infestation with thelazia rhodesi, th. gulosa, and th. skrjabini is 38% in plains, 20% in submontane, and 5% in mountain zone. the same tendency is observed for the species gongylonema pulchrum--45, 22, and 10%, respectively. infestation with setaria labiato-papillosa is 27.3% on average. infestation ...201021427961
[epidemiologic situation of brucellosis in the regions of the republic of dagestan affected by the flood of 2002].the republic of daghestan is at present one of the most unsafe territories in the russian federation with respect to brucellosis morbidity among humans. the figures of human morbidity in brucellosis grew from 3.4 per 100,000 of the population in 1999 to 10.5 per 100,000 of the population in 2002, thus exceeding the figures for the whole of russia 15- to 20-fold. the analysis of human morbidity in the kizlyar region (where the interregional regrouping of the cattle was made) after the natural cal ...200314716985
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