
anthropogenic effects on changing q fever epidemiology in the northwestern region of russia (leningrad province) cattle is proved to be the main source of c. burnetii infection in humans, both in menaced professionals and in formally nonmenaced groups. liquidation of specialized cattle-breeding complexes (with their well-organized veterinary surveillance) and broadening of the circle of non-professionals that contact with agriculture or domestic animals infected with c. burnetii provide the prerequisites to q fever spreading among various groups of ...200617114691
[genome-wide analysis of across herd f(st) heterogeneity in holsteinized livestock].to form a reference population necessary for genomic selection of dairy cattle, it is important to acquire information on the genetic diversity of the original population. our report is the first among the studies on breeding of farm animals to implement wright's f-statistics for this purpose. genotyping of animals was performed using bovinesnp50 chip. in total, we genotyped 499 heifers from 13 breeding farms in the leningrad oblast. we calculated weir and cockerham's f(st) estimate for all pair ...201627215034
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