
nutrient amounts of ectomycorrhizae analysed by edx using esem and x-ray (edx) analysis coupled with an environmental scanning electron microscope (esem) was tested as an alternative to the inductively coupled argon plasma (icp) spectrometer method for nutrient analyses of ectomycorrhizae. the results of edx-esem and icp were compared for 12 ectomycorrhizal morphotypes collected in beech and scots pine forests in northern brandenburg. the amounts of al, ca, mg and s analysed in the outer hyphal layers of the sheath with the edx-esem technique ...200515726433
13c discriminations of pinus sylvestris vs. pinus ponderosa at a dry site in brandenburg (eastern germany): 100-year growth comparison.the carbon isotope composition (delta(13)c, per thousand) and discrimination (delta, per thousand) of old grown north american pinus ponderosa dougl. ex p. et c. laws. and european pinus sylvestris l. were determined using trees grown under almost identical growing conditions in a mixed stand in bralitz, northeast germany. single-tree delta(13)c analyses of tree-ring cellulose of both species were carried out at a yearly resolution for the period 1901-2001 and the results compared with growth (b ...200717558749
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