
PMID(sorted ascending)
release of romanomermis culicivorax for the control of anopheles albimanus in el salvador i. mass production of the nematode.the mosquito parasite, romanomermis culicivorax, was mass produced for the treatment of 144,000 m2 of anopheles albimanus breeding area in el salvador. the production of the necessary inoculum required the exposure of 1.6 x 10(6) first-instar culex p. quinque-fasciatus larvae to 137 x 10(6) preparasites (1:14 ratio) each week for 6 weeks. the method employed produced an average 13.7 g (ca. 2,200/g) of postparasitic nematodes per rearing tray (20,000 mosquitoes), a total of 6,392 g (14.1 lb) for ...1978727330
release of romanomermis culicivorax for the control of anopheles albimanus in el salvador ii. application of the nematode.the mosquito breeding area of lake apastepeque, el salvador, was treated 11 times over a 7-week period with romanomermis culicivorax to control anopheles albimanus and an. p. pseudopunctipennis. parasitism averaged 58% but varied greatly from treatment to treatment and from site to site. however, three applications made during evening hours to avoid wind and wave action on the lake produced an average 86% parasitism. no significant differences in susceptibility to r. culicivorax were found betwe ...1978727331
natural infections of anopheles albimanus with plasmodium in a small malaria focus.entomologic surveys conducted in a small village in an area of known high malaria transmission in el salvador yielded a high rate of infection in anopheles albimanus collected inside houses in which cases of malaria had occurred. of 324 specimens dissected, 12 were found to harbor sporozoites or oocysts. this is in contrast to prior reports of extremely low infection rates in collections of this species from malarious areas, and suggests that under some circumstances a. albimanus does meet the c ...19751098498
population patterns of anopheles albimanus and their significance to malaria obtained between 1967 and 1972 on naturally occurring populations of a. albimanus in el salvador were used to construct 24-hour and seasonal patterns of activity for the species. the resulting patterns are discussed in terms of control implications, and specific examples are given to relate the importance of a knowledge of population dynamics to the success of conventional and alternative methods of anopheline control in malaria abatement programmes. a retrospective view of a successful fea ...19744548395
recent developments in methods of mosquito control.since residual insecticide spraying in domiciles does not sufficiently control some species of anophelines to halt malaria transmission, alternate methods of control have been investigated. these include ultra-low-volume (ulv) sprays or aerosols, the release of sterile males to suppress or eradicate populations, and the use of diseases or parasites to interfere with transmission or to reduce populations of mosquitos. the ulv aerial sprays gave practical control of anopheles albimanus in haiti an ...19744548396
release of chemosterilized males for the control of anopheles albimanus in el salvador. i. characteristics of the test site and the natural population. 19744817672
release of chemosterilized males for the control of anopheles albimanus in el salvador. ii. methods of rearing, sterilization, and distribution. 19744817673
release of chemosterilized males for the control of anopheles albimanus in el salvador. 3. field methods and population control. 19744817674
release of chemosterilized males for the control of anopheles albimanus in el salvador. iv. dynamics of the test population. 19744817675
selection for resistance to carbamate and organophoshorus insecticides in anopheles albimanus. 19714937399
efficiency of techniques for the mass release of sterile male anopheles albimanus wiedemann in el salvador.during a 3-year program that required daily releases of large numbers of sterile male anopheles albimanus wiedemann mosquitoes in a coastal area of el salvador, we were able to compare methods of transport and release of adults and pupae. the disadvantages of the laboratory handling and packaging of adults were largely overcome when improved methods were devised for release of pupae. such releases saved time and laboratory space and overcame several logistical problems arising from evening relea ...19807406117
hydrocarbon variations/discrimination between two strains of anopheles albimanus wied from el salvador. 19979329986
Displaying items 1 - 12 of 12