
strains of bcmv and bcmnv characterized from lima bean plants affected by deforming mosaic disease in peru.viruses of the species bean common mosaic virus (bcmv) and bean common mosaic necrosis virus (bcmnv) were simultaneously detected by the different size of pcr amplicons in lima bean plants (phaseolus lunatus) displaying deforming mosaic symptoms in peru. phylogenetic analysis of partial deduced cp amino acid sequences indicated that the peruvian bcmv isolates belong to new strains. one isolate differed from the other peruvian isolates, and also from the ten previously described bcmv strains reco ...200717564759
molecular diversity of native bradyrhizobia isolated from lima bean (phaseolus lunatus l.) in peru.the diversity of a collection of 21 bradyrhizobial isolates from lima bean (phaseolus lunatus l.) was assayed by molecular methods. moderately high to high genetic diversity was revealed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (mlee) analysis of seven enzyme loci and genomic fingerprints with eric and box primers. two groups with differences in growth rate were found among the isolates and their differentiation as two divergent bradyrhizobial lineages was supported by pcr-rflp of the rpob gene and ...200616564961
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