
the application of mass spectrometry to the study of evolutionary trends in amphibians.the glandular secretions of the skin of litoria rubella specimens collected from five locations on the eastern seaboard of queensland (australia) contain the three tryptophyllin peptides phe pro trp leu (nh2), phe pro trp pro (nh2) and phe pro phe pro trp leu (nh2). the relative proportions of these peptides in the glandular secretion are associated with geographic location, i.e. phe pro trp pro (nh2) is a minor component of the peptide mixture in frogs from southern queensland, but becomes sign ...19968563019
diversity and community composition of vertebrates in desert river habitats.animal species are seldom distributed evenly at either local or larger spatial scales, and instead tend to aggregate in sites that meet their resource requirements and maximise fitness. this tendency is likely to be especially marked in arid regions where species could be expected to concentrate at resource-rich oases. in this study, we first test the hypothesis that productive riparian sites in arid australia support higher vertebrate diversity than other desert habitats, and then elucidate the ...201526637127
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