
can row spacing influence arthropod communities in soybean? implications for early and late planting.row spacing in agricultural systems can influence crop yield as well as pest and predator abundances. soybean (glycine max l. merrill) growers in maryland typically plant in narrow (∼19 cm), medium (∼38 cm), or wide (∼76 cm)-spaced rows, and there is a general lack of information on how these row-spacing schemes influence arthropod abundance and soybean yields. a study was conducted during two growing seasons to determine the effect of soybean row spacing and planting date (early and late) on so ...201526313960
predicting unsaturated zone nitrogen mass balances in agricultural settings of the united states.unsaturated zone n fate and transport were evaluated at four sites to identify the predominant pathways of n cycling: an almond [prunus dulcis (mill.) d.a. webb] orchard and cornfield (zea mays l.) in the lower merced river study basin, california; and corn-soybean [glycine max (l.) merr.] rotations in study basins at maple creek, nebraska, and at morgan creek, maryland. we used inverse modeling with a new version of the root zone water quality model (rzwqm2) to estimate soil hydraulic and nitro ...201020400601
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