
comparison of genetic diversity between canadian adapted genotypes and exotic germplasm of soybean.soybean (glycine max (l.) merr.) was domesticated in china and the greatest genetic diversity for this species is found in asia. in contrast, in north america, soybean cultivars trace back to a small number of plant introductions from asia and genetic diversity is typically quite limited. the purpose of this work was to measure and compare the genetic diversity in two sets of soybean lines. the first set (termed "local") was composed of 100 lines used in a private breeding program in quebec. the ...201020616865
winter effect on soil microorganisms under different tillage and phosphorus management practices in eastern canada.determining how soil microorganisms respond to crop management systems during winter could further our understanding of soil phosphorus (p) transformations. this study assessed the effects of tillage (moldboard plowing or no-till) and p fertilization (0, 17.5, or 35 kg p·ha(-1)) on soil microbial biomass, enzymatic activity, and microbial community structure in winter, in a long-term (18 years) corn (zea mays l.) and soybean (glycine max l.) rotation established in 1992 in the province of quebec ...201525776569
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