
proposal for japanese encephalitis surveillance using captured invasive mongooses under an eradication project on okinawa island, japan.a project to eradicate invasive small asian mongooses (herpestes javanicus) is underway to conserve the unique ecosystem of okinawa island, japan. in the present study, we tried to elucidate whether the mongoose is a host of japanese encephalitis virus (jev) and to evaluate the reliability of surveillance of japanese encephalitis (je) using this species. culex tritaeniorhynchus, the main vector mosquito of jev, feeds on the mongoose. eighty-five (35.4%) of 240 wild small asian mongooses captured ...200918973439
epidemiological and ecological studies of japanese encephalitis in okinawa, subtropical area in japan. i. investigations on antibody levels to japanese encephalitis virus in swine sera and vector mosquito in okinawa, miyako and ishigaki islands.from 1985 to 1989, serum specimens of swine raised in the northern, central and southern areas in okinawa island were examined for japanese encephalitis (je) virus antibody by elisa and hemagglutination-inhibition test. the antibody positive rate was found to be higher in the north and central than in the south. the 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody to je was detected mostly in june and july, and occasionally in other months except february and march. there was no month when all specimens fro ...19948041298
abundance of three mosquito vectors in okinawa with relevance to disease risk.the abundances of three mosquito vectors on okinawa were determined using new jersey light traps and compared with data from an identical survey in 1969. the focal distribution of the primary vector of japanese encephalitis (je), culex tritaeniorhynchus giles, indicates that exposure risks are not uniform throughout the island. the populations of the primary vectors of je and malaria appear to be declining, resulting in significant changes in the relative abundances of mosquito species. these ch ...19957617223
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