
rinderpest seroprevalence in wildlife in kenya and tanzania, 1982-1993.eight hundred and thirty five serum samples collected from eight wild artiodactyl species in kenya and tanzania between 1982 and 1993 were tested for virus-neutralising (vn) antibodies to rinderpest (rp) virus. antibodies were found in 116 of 344 buffaloes (syncerus caffer) but not in the other species including 349 wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus). most of the antibody positive buffaloes were from the maasai mara-serengeti ecosystem (mm-se) and would have had opportunity for exposure to the v ...200616529830
antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 4 are highly prevalent in wild african buffaloes throughout eastern and southern africa.bovine herpesvirus 4 (bohv-4) has been isolated from cattle throughout the world. interestingly, a survey of wild african buffaloes mainly from the maasai mara game reserve in kenya revealed that 94% of the animals tested had anti-bohv-4 antibodies [rossiter, p.b., gumm, i.d., stagg, d.a., conrad, p.a., mukolwe, s., davies, f.g., white, h., 1989. isolation of bovine herpesvirus-3 from african buffaloes (syncerus caffer). res. vet. sci. 46, 337-343]. these authors also proposed that the serologic ...200516153785
continuing presence of rinderpest virus as a threat in east africa, 1983-1985.the re-emergence of rinderpest virus in east africa in 1979 caused widespread outbreaks of disease and subclinical infection throughout the region until mid-1983. subsequent massive emergency vaccination campaigns have been successful in eliminating clinical rinderpest from tanzania and preventing its spread southwards. unfortunately the virus is still endemic in north-eastern uganda and has recently caused epidemic outbreaks with high mortality in cattle in that country. in kenya, buffaloes (sy ...19873824842
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