
effect of season and temperature on mortality in amphibians due to investigate the distribution and incidence of chytridiomycosis in eastern australian frogs and to examine the effects of temperature on this disease.200415354853
presence of the amphibian chytrid fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in threatened corroboree frog populations in the australian alps.since the early 1980s, the southern corroboree frog pseudophryne corroboree and northern corroboree frog p. pengilleyi have been in a state of decline from their sub-alpine and high montane bog environments on the southern tablelands of new south wales, australia. to date, there has been no adequate explanation as to what is causing the decline of these species. we investigated the possibility that a pathogen associated with other recent frog declines in australia, the amphibian chytrid fungus b ...201021268983
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