
the upper normal limit of serum alanine aminotransferase in golestan province, northeast iran.the objective of this study was to determine the upper normal limit of serum alanine aminotransferase level in a population-based study in golestan province, northeast iran.200818976029
The impact of illicit drug use on spontaneous hepatitis C clearance: experience from a large cohort population study.Acute hepatitis C infection usually ends in chronic infection, while in a minority of patients it is spontaneously cleared. The current population-based study is performed on a large cohort in Golestan province of Iran to examine the demographic correlates of Spontaneous Hepatitis C Clearance.201121887326
seroprevalence of hepatitis b virus and its co-infection with hepatitis d virus and hepatitis c virus in iranian adult population.hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection is one of the most prevalent public health problems worldwide (especially in developing countries).200717478956
persistent alanine aminotransferase elevation among the general iranian population: prevalence and determine the prevalence and causes of persistently elevated alanine aminotransferase (alt) levels among the general population in northern iran.200818473412
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