
study on haemophilus influenzae type b diseases in china: the past, present and future.meningitis caused by haemophilus influenzae type b (hib) is a common and serious disease for which there now are who-certified vaccines that are recommended for universal infant immunization in north america and european countries. if these vaccines are to be recommended in asia, it is necessary to know the incidence, age distribution and clinical outcome of hib meningitis and other systemic infections in this region. data on hib disease in china are scanty. hib meningitis was common during the ...19989781751
[pediatric haemophilus influenzae type b meninngitis in hefei city: an epidemiologic study].to obtain epidemiologic information about hib meningitis from hefei.199810923476
relative frequency of haemophilus influenzae type b pneumonia in chinese children as evidenced by is commonly held that haemophilus influenzae pneumonia among children in asia is mostly caused by serotypes other than b (hib). if so, hib conjugate vaccines would play little role in the prevention of pneumonia. in two prospective series of children hospitalized for pneumonia in china, the causative agents were searched for with a wide panel of microbiologic assays.200212075755
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