
[the siberian and far-eastern subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis virus registered in russia's asian regions: genetic and antigen characteristics of the strains].agar gel precipitation test with cross-adsorbed immune sera was used for the antigenic differentiation of strains of tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev). fifty strains of the far east tbev serotype and 46 strains of the siberian (aina) tbev serotype were isolated from ixodes persulcatus, which is the main vector of the above tbev subtypes in the asian and european parts of russia. the fragment of the envelope protein gene was sequenced for tbev strains. sequences of new-group strains of the sib ...200415293507
[cyclic processes in the dynamics of the population count of the taiga tick and their relation to weather and climatic conditions].the paper continues the discussion of published materials on the dynamic of ixodes persulcatus number in mountain forests of the central part of the krasnoyarsk region during 1958-1990 (korotkov e. a., 1992). an unstationarity and polycyclicity of examined processus is confirmed. it is shown, that long-term and middle-term quasi-periodical fluctuations of the tick number are determined by successive changing in forest biocenoses going under the influence of respective fluctuations of the climate ...19989612819
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