
[pyogenic liver abscess and schistosomiasis mansoni in the state of espírito santo].a possible association of the acute toxemic form of schistosomiasis and pyogenic liver abscess (pla) has been recently suggested. as in the west of the espírito santo state schistosomiasis is endemic and pla are frequently diagnosed in the children's hospital of vitória we reviewed the records of the hospital during the period from may 1991 to april 1993 to: a) identify all cases of pla in which schistosoma mansoni infection was present and b) annotate the procedence of each case to verify if th ...19968768585
[planorbid distribution and the prevalence of schistosomiasis mansoni in the state of espírito santo]. 19836606755
intermediate hosts of schistosoma mansoni in brazil.the brazilian planorbidical chart is slowly but progressively been increased by new data. distribution of vector species of schistosoma mansoni, according to paraense, 1986, may be thus resumed: biomphalaria glabrata--delimited by parallels 13 and 21 degrees s and meridians 39 and 45 degrees w, area of greater dominance (southeast bahia, oriental hal of minas gerais and espírito santo). it is observed along the coast line of the states of sergipe, alagoas, pernambuco, paraiba and rio grande do n ...19921343914
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