
the effects of environmental factors on the prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection in inhabitants of lublin province.the aim of the study was to analyse the prevalence of h. pylori infection in adult inhabitants of lublin province. the effects of living conditions and lifestyle on the infection frequency were evaluated. the study included 585 adults randomly chosen for the epidemiological analysis of h. pylori infection in the lublin region within the project commissioned by the ministry of health (pcz 08-09) and state committee for scientific research (c007/p05/2000). the study was based on a personal questio ...200617195990
the effects of environmental factors on the incidence of helicobacter pylori infection in the adult population of the lublin region.the helicobacter pylori infection is considered the most frequent factor of morbidity and mortality in the diseases of the upper alimentary tract. it is responsible for duodenal and gastric ulcers. it may contribute to the development of malt lymphoma and gastric carcinoma. the h.p. infection is a widespread phenomenon, its intensification is associated with the socioeconomic status and increases with age. the aim of the study is to analyse the epidemiological trends of the h.p. infection, the e ...200416146087
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