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a review of the evidence in retrospect for a rickettsial etiology in bullis fever.the authors have presented evidence through work done 25-30 years ago for the rickettsial etiology of bullis fever, a forgotten epidemic which occurred with over a 1,000 cases among world war ii troops in training at camp bullis, texas. rickettsiae were recovered from blood and lymph nodes of patients and from ticks, amblyomma americanum, collected in the area. all patients gave a history of tick-bites. the human and tick strains of rickettsiae, carried in chick embryo culture and in animal pass ...19751103350
monthly incidence of theileria cervi and seroconversion to babesia odocoilei in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in texas.monthly monitoring of fawns collected from an area in texas endemic for theileria cervi and babesia odocoilei showed that transmission of t. cervi occurred during july and august, a time period consistent with the occurrence of amblyomma americanum. seroconversion to b. odocoilei occurred during october to december and possibly continued through january and february. the time of seroconversion was more suggestive of transmission of b. odocoilei by ixodes scapularis than by amblyomma americanum.19921512881
ectoparasites of the blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra).fifty-two free-ranging blackbuck antelope (antilope cervicapra) from texas were examined for ectoparasites. two species of sucking lice (anoplura), one species of chewing louse (mallophaga), one species of louse fly (diptera), and three species of ticks (acari) were found. this is the first report of the anoplurans linognathus cervicaprae and l. pithodes from the western hemisphere. the southern deer ked (lipoptena mazamae), the winter tick (dermacentor albipictus), and the rabbit tick (haemaphy ...19921512888
isolation of borrelia burgdorferi from arthropods collected in texas.the texas department of health laboratory cultured arthropods from november 1988 through december 1989 in an attempt to isolate borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease. spirochetes were isolated from eight of 1,093 pools of arthropods cultured. the spirochetal isolates were from several tick and one flea species, including amblyomma americanum, a. maculatum, ixodes scapularis, and ctenocephalides felis. these 8 isolates reacted specifically when treated with monoclonal antibodi ...19912063950
rickettsia in texas.since the first reported case in 1941, rocky mountain spotted fever in humans has been reported from many areas of texas, with two major foci, one located in the north-central region and the other in the eastern region of the state. during the period 1979-1988, 421 cases of rmsf were reported, reaching 108 cases in 1983 and declining in subsequent years. statewide surveillance programs to detect spotted fever group rickettsiae in tick populations were initiated in 1976. in recent years, the sfg ...19902378448
effects of sequential infestations of dermacentor albipictus and amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae) on overwintering beef cows in west-central texas.infestations of winter ticks, dermacentor albipictus (packard), observed on mature black angus cows, reached peak levels in january and diminished through march. infestations of adult lone star ticks, amblyomma americanum (l.), began in mid-january and increased through may. cows receiving ectrin, taktic, or deltox treatments on 13 december and 21 february experienced significantly less weight loss and entered the subsequent breeding season with higher average body weight than untreated cows. in ...19902388237
spotted fever group rickettsiae in the lone star tick, amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae). 19863772952
prevalence of borrelia (spirochaetaceae) spirochetes in texas ticks.between 1990 and 1992, ticks from eight texas parks were collected and analyzed to determine the prevalence of spirochete-infected ticks. borrelia spirochetes were detected in 1.03% of 5,141 amblyomma americanum (l.) adults examined, a species texas residents often encounter. no spirochetes were observed in the other tick species tested.19948189421
identification of an uncultivable borrelia species in the hard tick amblyomma americanum: possible agent of a lyme disease-like illness.bites from the hard tick amblyomma americanum are associated with a lyme disease-like illness in the southern united states. to identify possible etiologic agents for this disorder, a. americanum ticks were collected in missouri, texas, new jersey, and new york and examined microscopically. uncultivable spirochetes were present in approximately 2% of the ticks. borrelia genus-specific oligonucleotides for the flagellin and 16s rrna genes were used for amplification of dna. products were obtained ...19968568302
ability of the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi to infect rodents and three species of human-biting ticks (blacklegged tick, american dog tick, lone star tick) (acari:ixodidae).the infectivity of a diverse collection of borrelia burgdorferi strains from north america for mice was determined as a prelude to vector competence experiments with the 3 primary human-biting tick species in the eastern united states (ixodes scapularis say, dermacentor variabilis (say), amblyomma americanum (l.)]. of the 34 b. burgdorferi strains inoculated into mice, 29 were infectious; the exceptions were 5 isolates from texas. vector competence experiments were conducted with 2 strains from ...19979220680
the travels of a lone star tick.a lone-star tick, amblyomma americanum, was found as a pedunculated lesion on the back of the arm of an 84 year old man in northern ireland. this was acquired on a visit to the usa. the tick is found mainly in texas and the ozark mountains of missouri, with scattered foci in other parts of southern usa. it is the vector of rocky mountain spotted fever. as worldwide travel becomes increasingly common, exotic parasites make occasional appearances in northern europe.19989708212
analysis of serum and whole blood values in relation to helminth and ectoparasite infections of feral pigs in the summers of 1996 and 1997, 60 wild pigs (sus scrofa) were necropsied from three sites in south texas (usa) to test the hypothesis that serum and whole blood parameters vary significantly (p < or = 0.05) with the prevalence and intensity of parasites infecting wild pigs. we found ten parasite species: five nematodes (metastrongylus salmi, metastrongylus pudentotectus, stephanurus dentatus, oesophagostomum dentatum, and physocephalus sexalatus); four ixodid ticks (amblyomma cajennense, ambly ...200212038138
ehrlichia prevalence in amblyomma americanum, central texas. 200415338551
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