
occurrence of chlamydiaceae spp. in a wild boar (sus scrofa l.) population in thuringia (germany).tissue samples from lungs, pulmonary lymph nodes, large intestine, and uteri of 14 wild boar bagged at a seasonal hunt were examined for the presence of chlamydiae, mycobacteria and mycoplasmas. nested pcr detected chlamydial dna in 57.1% of the animals, predominantly in the lung. dna sequencing identified chlamydophila psittaci as the predominant species, but chlamydophila abortus and chlamydia suis were also encountered. immunohistochemical staining of tissue sections confirmed the presence of ...200415381275
high frequency of chlamydial co-infections in clinically healthy sheep flocks.the epidemiological situation of ovine chlamydial infections in continental europe, especially germany is poorly characterised. using the german state of thuringia as a model example, the chlamydial sero- and antigen prevalence was estimated in thirty-two randomly selected sheep flocks with an average abortion rate lower than 1%. seven vaccinated flocks were reviewed separately.201121679409
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