
[evaluation of the performance to date of the bhv-1 eradication campaign in saxony-anhalt (germany)].the present article is attempting to evaluate the to date performance of the bhv-1 eradication campaign currently run in saxony-anhalt. special emphasis is put on the modelling of missing data and an optimum performance--for comparison with the observed progress of eradication. the eradication campaign turned out to have performed almost optimally so far, but problems might arise in its final phase due to insular management deficiencies and violation of laws, as well. possible sanctions are ment ...200415495925
[eradication of bhv-1 in cattle herds in saxony-anhalts using a vaccine lacking a marker--report of an experience].the present article reports about the experiences during the current bhv-1-eradication programme in saxony-anhalt started in 1996. an overview about the reasons, the basic situation, the issue and the present state of the eradication is given. furthermore were shown, that an eradication of bovine herpes virus type 1 by using ge-deleted vaccines is possible.200312784553
[practice observations of cross protection between bovine and porcine herpesviruses].in many cattle herds in lower saxony the serologic ibr/ipv = bhv-1-status is known because since 1988 the bovine herpes virus infection (bhv 1), the infectious rhinotracheitis and pustular vulvovaginitis (ibr/ipv) are being fought. through extensive investigations in five districts in the weser-ems area, it was found that cows infected by bovine herpes virus (bhv 1) are also protected to a high degree against infection by porcine herpes suis virus (shv 1). an interpretation of the observed cross ...19921332217
[experiences with the eradication of the bovine herpes virus 1 in lower saxony].in this paper first the general cascade of animal disease eradication from the voluntary control programme up to culling of infected animals is described. afterwards the development of the eradication of bovine herpes virus in lower saxony is illustrated. obvious the number of farms which are not eradicating decreases since the testing on bhv1 is obligate in germany. in 2004 60% of the cattle holdings were free from bhv1. at least the measures which will be taken in lower saxony to increase the ...200516218185
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