
traditional healers in tanzania: the perception of malaria and its causes.the coordination of traditional and western medicine is still in its infancy in most african countries. although there is much discussion about the contribution of traditional medicine and its practitioners, especially on the primary health care level, it has rarely be done in practice. this is probably due to the lack of knowledge of how to do it, because a serious attempt to include traditional medicine in health planning would presuppose that it is known what traditional medicine has specific ...19958719973
malaria diagnostic testing and treatment practices in three different plasmodium falciparum transmission settings in tanzania: before and after a government policy change.patterns of decreasing malaria transmission intensity make presumptive treatment of malaria an unjustifiable approach in many african settings. the controlled use of anti-malarials after laboratory confirmed diagnosis is preferable in low endemic areas. diagnosis may be facilitated by malaria rapid diagnostic tests (rdts). in this study, the impact of a government policy change, comprising the provision of rdts and advice to restrict anti-malarial treatment to rdt-positive individuals, was asses ...201121457570
screening tanzanian medicinal plants for antimalarial activity.forty-three different plant species commonly used in traditional medicine for the treatment of malaria were selected and screened for their antimalarial activity against plasmodium falciparum in vitro. thirteen of the 43 species were obtained directly from traditional healers who use these plants for the treatment of malaria. the other plant species were collected on the basis of ethnomedicinal information in the literature. the plant material was collected from morogoro, dar es salaam and kager ...19948203297
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