
prevalence and characterization of foodborne pathogens in dairy cattle in the eastern part of investigate the prevalence and characterization of foodborne pathogens [campylobacter spp., shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec), listeria monocytogenes and salmonella spp.] in dairy cows, rectal content grab samples were collected from 250 dairy cows reared on 25 dairy farms in eastern japan from december 2010 through february 2011. campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 106 (42%) cows on 23 (92%) farms, stec o157 from three cows on one farm, l. monocytogenes from three cows on anot ...201323208291
prevalence of the main food-borne pathogens in retail food under the national food surveillance system in japan.the national food surveillance system in japan was formed in 1998 to monitor the contamination of retail foods with bacterial pathogens. approximately 2000-3000 samples were tested annually, and the data from food categories that had more than 400 samples collected during 1998-2008 were analysed. with regard to meat, the frequency of positive samples for salmonella in chicken for raw consumption and ground chicken was 12.7% and 33.5%, respectively. moreover, shiga toxin-producing escherichia col ...201323199079
[new foodborne infections].the last 20 years have witnessed a profound reshaping of the spectrum of foodborne infections in industrialized countries. food products are overall very safe, but the industrial scale and standardisation of food production have spawned spectacular epidemics, bringing into the light previously little known microorganisms such as listeria or escherichia coli o157:h7, the causative agent of the "hamburger disease". the recent "mad cow disease" crisis is another illustration of a food industry gone ...200312846023
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