
hypodermosis in the red deer cervus elaphus in córdoba, spain.the prevalence of red deer hypodermosis and the life cycle of hypodermia diana brauer 1858 in three provinces of the south of spain, córdoba, jaen and ciudad real, were studied by inspecting 254, thirty-eight and thirty-five deer from each province respectively. the prevalence of infestations was: córdoba, 87.75%; jaen, 92.10%, ciudad real, 91.42%. from this we deduced an overall prevalence of 88.67%, comprising 88.23% in male deer and 89.96% in female deer. the intensity of the parasitism in 21 ...19902132996
lead and cadmium in red deer and wild boar from sierra morena mountains (andalusia, spain). 19989871001
ixodid ticks parasitizing iberian red deer (cervus elaphus hispanicus) and european wild boar (sus scrofa) from spain: geographical and temporal distribution.commercial hunting of spanish wild ungulates has made them an important economic resource. wild ungulates may have an important role in the maintenance of ixodid tick populations, and also as reservoirs of pathogens. we studied the ixodid ticks that parasitize iberian red deer and european wild boar from spain. ixodid ticks (n=6,336) were collected from 431 iberian red deer and 142 wild boar in different regions of spain. we found 10 different ixodid tick species parasitizing iberian red deer, m ...200616675125
monitoring bluetongue disease (btv-1) epidemic in southern spain during 2007.on the 25th of july 2007, bluetongue virus (btv) serotype 1 was detected in andalusia, southern spain for the first time. a total of 4436 farms infected with btv-1 were confirmed during that year: 3162 in sheep flocks, 113 in goat flocks, 7 in cattle herds and 1154 in mixed farms (sheep, goat and/or cattle in the same farm). the most common clinical signs were: fever, depression, lethargy, facial edema, and salivation (observed in more than 70% of the infected farms). lesions in oral mucosa, lam ...201020663576
role of wild ruminants in the epidemiology of bluetongue virus serotypes 1, 4 and 8 in spain.abstract: although the importance of wild ruminants as potential reservoirs of bluetongue virus (btv) has been suggested, the role played by these species in the epidemiology of bt in europe is still unclear. we carried out a serologic and virologic survey to assess the role of wild ruminants in the transmission and maintenance of btv in andalusia (southern spain) between 2006 and 2010. a total of 473 out of 1339 (35.3%) wild ruminants analyzed showed antibodies against btv by both elisa and ser ...201121781340
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