
[salmonella enterica serotypes and salmonella infections: a multicenter study covering ten provinces in turkey].in order to find the distinctive features of salmonellae and salmonella infections in turkey, 620 salmonellae strains, isolated from various clinical samples (481 stool, 108 blood, 12 urine, 3 bone marrow, 3 cerebrospinal fluid, 9 pus, and one from each of the bile, pleural fluid, wound, catheter samples) in 13 clinical microbiology laboratories of 10 provinces in turkey (ankara, antalya, bursa, edirne, eskişehir, istanbul, izmir, kayseri, konya and trabzon) between july 1, 2000 and june 30, 200 ...200415490836
[investigation of antitumorigenic effects of food-borne non-pathogenic and pathogenic salmonella enterica strains on mef, du145 and hela cell lines].basic applications in cancer therapy may fail to eradicate cancer cells completely, they can show toxic affects to healthy cells and development of resistance to antitumor agents may increase tendency to metastasis. bacterial therapies have the advantage of specific targetting of tumors by selective toxicity, responsiveness to external signals, self-propelling capacity, and the sense of microenvironment. the most interest on the bacterial cancer therapy is about salmonella spp. with a special em ...201627525394
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