
[acute chagas disease in colombia: a rarely suspected disease. report of 10 cases presented during the 2002-2005 period].in colombia, reported cases of acute chagas disease are sporadic.200718154241
genetic relationships and spatial genetic structure among populations of rhodnius prolixus (hemiptera: reduviidae) in colombia and venezuela based on mitochondrial cytochrome-b hundred twenty rhodnius prolixus (stal) (hemiptera: reduviidae) specimens from 6 colombian departments and 1 venezuelan state had 594-bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene sequenced to improve the understanding of evolutionary processes that shape the main vector of chagas disease. the levels of genetic diversity for this species were low-medium with reference to other bugs. the genetic heterogeneity among the populations was very limited which means there has been extensive gene flow an ...201727889871
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