
limited role of lagomorphs (oryctolagus cuniculus and lepus capensis) in the dispersion of parasite nematodes of ruminants.rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) and hares (lepus capensis) were investigated under natural conditions for infection with ruminant nematodes, either in the condition of close contact with sheep (south-east of france) or unknown contact with ruminants (central region and french champaign). rabbits and hares were poorly infected with sheep digestive tract nematodes: trichostrongylus colubriformis (second record) was encountered in one site and trichostrongylus capricola (a first record) in another ...19989763321
study of gastrointestinal nematodes in sicilian sheep and goats.parasitic gastroenteritis is one of the major causes of productivity loss in sheep and goats. this report records two studies of the helminth fauna from post-mortem examination. the first study, performed on the digestive tract of 72 sheep from a central part of sicily in a high hill village (1,360 meters above sea level), between april 1996 and march 1997, showed an infection rate of 78%. the second study targeted goats from the western part of sicily and showed an infection rate of 90%. for sh ...200415604491
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