
intraocular sarcomas in two rabbits.intraocular neoplasms are described in 2 adult rabbits. the left globe of an 8-year-old male rabbit was enucleated after chronic inflammatory disease resulted in a nonvisual eye. the left globe of a 5-year-old female rabbit also was enucleated after a history of lens-induced uveitis, cataract formation, and resultant glaucoma. in both rabbits, histopathology revealed a variably pleomorphic, poorly differentiated, invasive, intraocular spindle cell neoplasm closely associated with lens and lens c ...200919564509
growth of nosema cuniculi in established cell lines.growth patterns of nosema cuniculi (encephalitozoon cuniculi) in cell cultures of bovine kidney, canine kidney, feline lung, and rabbit kidney were studied. all cell cultures used were easy to manage and the last 3 are commercially-available established cell lines. the dog kidney cells were the most suitable for large-scale production of nosema. when grown in plastic flasks with a bottom area of 75 cm2, the weekly yield from nosema-infected canine kidney cells during the 10th to 17th week afte ...1975804074
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